MDD-UNet: Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation with Theoretical Guarantees, a Proof of Concept

Published: 03 Nov 2023, Last Modified: 06 Nov 2024NLDL 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: domain adaptation, brain image segmentation, u-net, margin disparity discrepancy
TL;DR: We propose an unsupervised domain adaptation framework for U-Nets with theoretical guarantees based on the Margin Disparity Discrepancy.
Abstract: The current state-of-the art techniques for image segmentation are often based on U-Net architectures, a U-shaped encoder-decoder networks with skip connections. Despite the powerful performance, the architecture often does not perform well when used on data which has different characteristics than the data it was trained on. Many techniques for improving performance in the presence of domain shift have been developed, however typically only have loose connections to the theory of domain adaption. In this work, we propose an unsupervised domain adaptation framework for U-Nets with theoretical guarantees based on the Margin Disparity Discrepancy called the MDD-UNet. We evaluate the proposed technique on the task of hippocampus segmentation, and find that the MDD-UNet is able to learn features which are domain-invariant with no knowledge about the labels in the target domain. The MDD-UNet improves performance over the standard U-Net on 11 out of 12 combinations of datasets. This work serves as a proof of concept by demonstrating an improvement on the U-Net in it's standard form without modern enhancements, which opens up a new avenue of studying domain adaptation for models with very large hypothesis spaces from both methodological and practical perspectives.
Submission Number: 40