Behavioral Engagement and Manifold Representation in the Hippocampus: Evidence from the Mutual Information of Population Encoding and LocationDownload PDF

Published: 21 Nov 2022, Last Modified: 05 May 2023InfoCog @ NeurIPS 2022 PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Manifold representation, Hippocampus, Mutual Information, Population encoding, Spatial map
TL;DR: Using a novel statistical estimator and theoretical modeling, both developed in the framework of maximum entropy models, we reveal temporal changes in fidelity of the spatial map, consistent with observed gating due to behavioral engagements.
Abstract: Although there is significant understanding in how individual neurons in the hippocampus represent spatial location, the temporal dependence of population coding remains poorly understood. Using a novel statistical estimator and theoretical modeling, both developed in the framework of maximum entropy models, we reveal temporal changes in fidelity of the spatial map, consistent with observed gating due to behavioral engagements.
In-person Presentation: yes
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