GAUSS: GrAph-customized Universal Self-Supervised Learning

Published: 23 Jan 2024, Last Modified: 23 May 2024TheWebConf24EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Graph Neural Networks, Self-supervised learning on graphs, Universal representation learning, Self-representative learning
Abstract: To make Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) meet the requirements of the Web, the universality and the generalization become two important research directions. On one hand, many universal GNNs are presented for semi-supervised tasks on both homophilic and non-homophilic graphs by distinguishing homophilic and heterophilic edges with the help of labels. On the other hand, self-supervised learning (SSL) algorithms on graphs are presented by leveraging the self-supervised learning schemes from computer vision and natural language processing. Unfortunately, graph universal self-supervised learning remains resolved. Most existing SSL methods on graphs, which often employ two-layer GCN as the encoder and train the mapping functions, can’t alter the low-passing filtering characteristic of GCN. Therefore, to be universal, SSL must be customized for the graph, i.e., learning the graph. However, learning the graph via universal GNNs is disabled in SSL, since their distinguishability on homophilic and heterophilic edges disappears without the labels. To overcome this difficulty, this paper proposes novel GrAph-customized Universal Self-Supervised Learning (GAUSS) by exploiting local attribute distribution. The main idea is to replace the global parameters with locally learnable propagation. To make the propagation matrix demonstrate the affinity between the nodes, the self-representative learning framework is employed with k-block diagonal regularization. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate its effectiveness, universality and robustness to noises.
Track: Graph Algorithms and Learning for the Web
Submission Guidelines Scope: Yes
Submission Guidelines Blind: Yes
Submission Guidelines Format: Yes
Submission Guidelines Limit: Yes
Submission Guidelines Authorship: Yes
Student Author: No
Submission Number: 764