Hierarchical Prompting Assists Large Language Model on Web Navigation

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Short Paper
Submission Track: Dialogue and Interactive Systems
Submission Track 2: Theme Track: Large Language Models and the Future of NLP
Keywords: LLM Prompting, Web Navigation
TL;DR: We proposed a simple hierarchical prompting approach that improve Large Language Models (LLMs) performance on web-navigation task.
Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) struggle on processing complicated observations in interactive decision making. To alleviate this issue, we propose a simple hierarchical prompting approach. Diverging from previous prompting approaches that always put the full observation (a web page) to the prompt, we propose to first construct an action-aware observation which is more condensed and relevant with a dedicated Summarizer prompt. The Actor prompt then predicts the next action based on the summarized history. While our method has broad applicability, we particularly demonstrate its efficacy in the complex domain of web navigation where a full observation often contains redundant and irrelevant information. Our approach outperforms the previous state-of-the-art prompting mechanism with the same LLM by 6.2% on task success rate, demonstrating its potential on interactive decision making tasks with long observation traces.
Submission Number: 5328