Learning to Rank Context for Named Entity Recognition Using a Synthetic Dataset

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 MainEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Information Extraction
Keywords: ner, transformers, context retrieval
Abstract: While recent pre-trained transformer-based models can perform named entity recognition (NER) with great accuracy, their limited range remains an issue when applied to long documents such as whole novels. To alleviate this issue, a solution is to retrieve relevant context at the document level. Unfortunately, the lack of supervision for such a task means one has to settle for unsupervised approaches. Instead, we propose to generate a synthetic context retrieval training dataset using Alpaca, an instruction-tuned large language model (LLM). Using this dataset, we train a neural context retriever based on a BERT model that is able to find relevant context for NER. We show that our method outperforms several retrieval baselines for the NER task on an English literary dataset composed of the first chapter of 40 books.
Submission Number: 5458