Who is Speaking? Speaker-Aware Multiparty Dialogue Act Classification

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Dialogue and Interactive Systems
Submission Track 2: Discourse and Pragmatics
Keywords: Dialogue acts, multiparty dialogues, speaker modeling
TL;DR: Explicitly modeling speakers in multiparty dialogues helps with dialogue act classification.
Abstract: Utterances do not occur in isolation in dialogues; it is essential to have the information of who the speaker of an utterance is to be able to recover the speaker’s intention with respect to the surrounding context. Beyond simply capturing speaker switches, identifying how speakers interact with each other in a dialogue is crucial to understanding conversational flow. This becomes increasingly important and simultaneously difficult to model when more than two interlocutors take part in a conversation. To overcome this challenge, we propose to explicitly add speaker awareness to each utterance representation. To that end, we use a graph neural network to model how each speaker is behaving within the local context of a conversation. The speaker representations learned this way are then used to update their respective utterance representations. We experiment with both multiparticipant and dyadic conversations on the MRDA and SwDA datasets and show the effectiveness of our approach.
Submission Number: 1173