Hodge-Aware Convolutional Learning on Simplicial Complexes

TMLR Paper3014 Authors

17 Jul 2024 (modified: 17 Sept 2024)Under review for TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Neural networks on simplicial complexes (SCs) can learn representations from data residing on simplices such as nodes, edges, triangles, etc. However, existing works often overlook the Hodge theorem that decomposes simplicial data into three orthogonal characteristic subspaces, such as the identifiable gradient, curl and harmonic components of edge flows. This provides a universal tool to understand the machine learning models on SCs, thus, allowing for better principled and effective learning. In this paper, we study the effect of this data inductive bias on learning on SCs via the principle of convolutions. Particularly, we present a general convolutional architecture that respects the three key principles of uncoupling the lower and upper simplicial adjacencies, accounting for the inter-simplicial couplings, and performing higher-order convolutions. To understand these principles, we first use Dirichlet energy minimizations on SCs to interpret their effects on mitigating simplicial oversmoothing. Then, we show the three principles promote the Hodge-aware learning of this architecture, through the lens of spectral simplicial theory, in the sense that the three Hodge subspaces are invariant under its learnable functions and the learning in two nontrivial subspaces is independent and expressive. Third, we investigate the learning ability of this architecture in optic of perturbation theory on simplicial topologies and prove that the convolutional architecture is stable to small perturbations. Finally, we corroborate the three principles by comparing with methods that either violate or do not respect them. Overall, this paper bridges learning on SCs with the Hodge theorem, highlighting its importance for rational and effective learning from simplicial data, and provides theoretical insights to convolutional learning on SCs.
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Serguei_Barannikov1
Submission Number: 3014