PivotFEC: Enhancing Few-shot Factual Error Correction with a Pivot Task Approach using Large Language Models

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: NLP Applications
Submission Track 2: Natural Language Generation
Keywords: Factual Error Correction, Large Language Models, Few-shot
Abstract: Factual Error Correction (FEC) aims to rectify false claims by making minimal revisions to align them more accurately with supporting evidence. However, the lack of datasets containing false claims and their corresponding corrections has impeded progress in this field. Existing distantly supervised models typically employ the mask-then-correct paradigm, where a masker identifies problematic spans in false claims, followed by a corrector to predict the masked portions. Unfortunately, accurately identifying errors in claims is challenging, leading to issues like over-erasure and incorrect masking. To overcome these challenges, we present PivotFEC, a method that enhances few-shot FEC with a pivot task approach using large language models (LLMs). Specifically, we introduce a pivot task called factual error injection, which leverages LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT) to intentionally generate text containing factual errors under few-shot settings; then, the generated text with factual errors can be used to train the FEC corrector. Our experiments on a public dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of PivotFEC in two significant ways: Firstly, it improves the widely-adopted SARI metrics by 11.3 compared to the best-performing distantly supervised methods. Secondly, it outperforms its few-shot counterpart (i.e., LLMs are directly used to solve FEC) by 7.9 points in SARI, validating the efficacy of our proposed pivot task.
Submission Number: 1246