Equivariant Finite Normalizing Flows

TMLR Paper358 Authors

11 Aug 2022 (modified: 17 Sept 2024)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Generative modelling seeks to uncover the underlying factors that give rise to observed data that can often be modeled as the natural symmetries that manifest themselves through invariances and equivariances to certain transformation laws. However, current approaches to representing these symmetries are couched in the formalism of continuous normalizing flows that require the construction of equivariant vector fields---inhibiting their simple application to conventional higher dimensional generative modelling domains like natural images. In this paper, we focus on building equivariant normalizing flows using a finite number of layers. We first theoretically prove the existence of an equivariant map for compact groups whose actions are on compact spaces. We further introduce three new equivariant flows: $G$-Residual Flows, $G$-Coupling Flows, and $G$-Inverse Autoregressive Flows that elevate classical Residual, Coupling, and Inverse Autoregressive Flows with equivariant maps to a prescribed group $G$. Our construction of $G$-Residual Flows are also universal, in the sense that we prove an $G$-equivariant diffeomorphism can be exactly mapped by a $G$-residual flow. Finally, we complement our theoretical insights with demonstrative experiments---for the first time---on image datasets like CIFAR-10 and show $G$-Equivariant Finite Normalizing flows lead to increased data efficiency, faster convergence, and improved likelihood estimates.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Changes Since Last Submission: N/A
Assigned Action Editor: ~George_Papamakarios1
Submission Number: 358