The Real Deal Behind the Artificial Appeal: Inferential Utility of Tabular Synthetic Data

Published: 26 Apr 2024, Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024UAI 2024 spotlightEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: synthetic data, inferential utility, generative model
TL;DR: We highlight the importance of inferential utility of synthetic data and empirically demonstrate that, despite the use of a previously proposed correction factor, naive inference from synthetic data falls short, especially for deep generative models.
Abstract: Recent advances in generative models facilitate the creation of synthetic data to be made available for research in privacy-sensitive contexts. However, the analysis of synthetic data raises a unique set of methodological challenges. In this work, we highlight the importance of inferential utility and provide empirical evidence against naive inference from synthetic data, whereby synthetic data are treated as if they were actually observed. Before publishing synthetic data, it is essential to develop statistical inference tools for such data. By means of a simulation study, we show that the rate of false-positive findings (type 1 error) will be unacceptably high, even when the estimates are unbiased. Despite the use of a previously proposed correction factor, this problem persists for deep generative models, in part due to slower convergence of estimators and resulting underestimation of the true standard error. We further demonstrate our findings through a case study.
List Of Authors: Decruyenaere, Alexander and Dehaene, Heidelinde and Rabaey, Paloma and Polet, Christiaan and Decruyenaere, Johan and Vansteelandt, Stijn and Demeester, Thomas
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Submission Number: 406