Towards Robust Scale-Invariant Mutual Information Estimators

TMLR Paper3322 Authors

10 Sept 2024 (modified: 24 Jan 2025)Under review for TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Mutual information (MI) is hard to estimate for high dimensional data, and various estimators have been proposed over the years to tackle this problem. Here, we note that there exists another challenging problem, namely that many estimators of MI, which we denote as $I(X;Y)$, are sensitive to scale, i.e., $I(X;\alpha T)\neq I(X;T)$ where $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$. Although some normalization methods have been hinted at in previous works, there is no in-depth study of the problem. In this work, we study new normalization strategies for MI estimators to be scale-invariant, particularly for the Kraskov–Stögbauer–Grassberger (KSG) and the neural network-based MI (MINE) estimators. We provide theoretical and empirical results and show that the original un-normalized estimators are not scale-invariant and highlight the consequences of an estimator's scale dependence. We propose new global normalization strategies that are tuned to the corresponding estimator and scale invariant. We compare our global normalization strategies to existing local normalization strategies and provide intuitive and empirical arguments to support the use of global normalization. Extensive experiments across multiple distributions and settings are conducted, and we find that our proposed variants KSG-Global-$L_{\infty}$ and MINE-Global-Corrected are most accurate within their respective approaches. Finally, we perform an information plane analysis of neural networks and observe clearer trends of fitting and compression using the normalized estimators compared to the original un-normalized estimators. Our work highlights the importance of scale awareness and global normalization in the MI estimation problem.
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Benjamin_Guedj1
Submission Number: 3322