A Quality-based Syntactic Template Retriever for Syntactically-Controlled Paraphrase Generation

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 MainEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Natural Language Generation
Submission Track 2: Syntax, Parsing and their Applications
Keywords: Paraphrase generation, Syntactic template retrievers, Mutual diversity
Abstract: Existing syntactically-controlled paraphrase generation (SPG) models perform promisingly with human-annotated or well-chosen syntactic templates. However, the difficulty of obtaining such templates actually hinders the practical application of SPG models. For one thing, the prohibitive cost makes it unfeasible to manually design decent templates for every source sentence. For another, the templates automatically retrieved by current heuristic methods are usually unreliable for SPG models to generate qualified paraphrases. To escape this dilemma, we propose a novel Quality-based Syntactic Template Retriever (QSTR) to retrieve templates based on the quality of the to-be-generated paraphrases. Furthermore, for situations requiring multiple paraphrases for each source sentence, we design a Diverse Templates Search (DTS) algorithm, which can enhance the diversity between paraphrases without sacrificing quality. Experiments demonstrate that QSTR can significantly surpass existing retrieval methods in generating high-quality paraphrases and even perform comparably with human-annotated templates in terms of reference-free metrics. Additionally, human evaluation and the performance on downstream tasks using our generated paraphrases for data augmentation showcase the potential of our QSTR and DTS algorithm in practical scenarios.
Submission Number: 3327