Uncertainty-Aware Optimal Treatment Selection for Clinical Time Series

Published: 30 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 07 Nov 2024CRL@NeurIPS 2024 OralEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: clinical time series, causal inference, treatment selection
TL;DR: This work introduces a model-agnostic framework for optimal treatment selection that integrates uncertainty quantification of counterfactual predictions within predefined cost constraints.
Abstract: In personalized medicine, the ability to predict and optimize treatment outcomes across various time frames is essential. Additionally, the ability to select cost-effective treatments within specific budget constraints is critical. Despite recent advancements in estimating counterfactual trajectories, a direct link to optimal treatment selection based on these estimates is missing. This paper introduces a novel method integrating counterfactual estimation techniques and uncertainty quantification to recommend personalized treatment plans adhering to predefined cost constraints. Our approach is distinctive in its handling of continuous treatment variables and its incorporation of uncertainty quantification to improve prediction reliability. We validate our method using two simulated datasets, one focused on the cardiovascular system and the other on COVID-19. Our findings indicate that our method has robust performance across different counterfactual estimation baselines, showing that introducing uncertainty quantification in these settings helps the current baselines in finding more reliable and accurate treatment selection. The robustness of our method across various settings highlights its potential for broad applicability in personalized healthcare solutions.
Submission Number: 35