Sentiment-Oriented Sarcasm Integration: Effective Enhancement of Video Sentiment Analysis with Sarcasm Assistance

Published: 20 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 06 Aug 2024MM2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Sarcasm is an intricate expression phenomenon and has garnered increasing attentions over the recent years, especially for multimodal contexts such as videos. Nevertheless, despite being a significant aspect of human sentiment, the effect of sarcasm is consistently overlooked in sentiment analysis. Videos with sarcasm often convey sentiments that diverge or even contradict their explicit messages. Prior works mainly concentrate on simply modeling sarcasm and sentiment features by utilizing the Multi-Task Learning (MTL) framework, which we found introduces detrimental interplays between the sarcasm detection task and sentiment analysis task. Therefore, this study explores the effective enhancement of video sentiment analysis through the incorporation of sarcasm information. To this end, we propose the Progressively Sentiment-oriented Sarcasm Refinement and Integration (PS2RI) framework, which focuses on modeling sentiment-oriented sarcasm features to enhance sentiment prediction. Instead of naively combining sarcasm detection and sentiment prediction under an MTL framework, PS2RI iteratively performs the sentiment-oriented sarcasm refinement and sarcasm integration operations within the sentiment recognition framework, in order to progressively learn sarcasm-aware sentiment feature without suffering the detrimental interplays caused by information irrelevant to the sentiment analysis task. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate both the effectiveness and scalability of our approach.
Primary Subject Area: [Engagement] Emotional and Social Signals
Secondary Subject Area: [Content] Vision and Language
Relevance To Conference: First, we conduct a comprehensive study on how to improve sentiment analysis with the assistance of sarcasm detection and discuss the drawbacks of existing MTL-based methods. Second, we propose the PS2RI framework which effectively alleviates the negative interference caused by the interaction of sentiment analysis and sarcasm detection; and enhances the performance of sentiment prediction significantly. Third, we conduct extensive evaluations to demonstrate both the effectiveness and scalability of our proposed PS2RI framework.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 1576