Investigating the Impact of Model Width and Density on Generalization in Presence of Label Noise

Published: 26 Apr 2024, Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024UAI 2024 spotlightEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Generalization; Double Descent
Abstract: Increasing the size of overparameterized neural networks has been a key in achieving state-of-the-art performance. This is captured by the double descent phenomenon, where the test loss follows a decreasing-increasing-decreasing pattern (or sometimes monotonically decreasing) as model width increases. However, the effect of label noise on the test loss curve has not been fully explored. In this work, we uncover an intriguing phenomenon where label noise leads to a \textit{final ascent} in the originally observed double descent curve. Specifically, under a sufficiently large noise-to-sample-size ratio, optimal generalization is achieved at intermediate widths. Through theoretical analysis, we attribute this phenomenon to the shape transition of test loss variance induced by label noise. Furthermore, we extend the final ascent phenomenon to model density and provide the first theoretical characterization showing that reducing density by randomly dropping trainable parameters improves generalization under label noise. We also thoroughly examine the roles of regularization and sample size. Surprisingly, we find that larger $\ell_2$ regularization and robust learning methods against label noise exacerbate the final ascent. We confirm the validity of our findings through extensive experiments on ReLu networks trained on MNIST, ResNets/ViT trained on CIFAR-10/100, and InceptionResNet-v2 trained on Stanford Cars with real-world noisy labels.
List Of Authors: Xue, Yihao and Whitecross, Kyle and Mirzasoleiman, Baharan
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Submission Number: 317