BURPing Through RML Test Cases

12 Mar 2024 (modified: 07 May 2024)ESWC 2024 Workshop KGCW SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: RML, RML Conformance Checking, Knowledge Graph Generation
Abstract: Recently, the W3C Community Group on Knowledge Graph Construction created a suite of test cases for all RML modules developed in the Community Group to verify implementations’ compliance with the new RML specifications. However, these RML test cases could not be tested because no existing RML Processor supports them. In this paper, we report on our process of testing the new RML test cases while at the same time implementing support for the new RML modules in a reference implementation, which we call `BURP' (Basic and Unassuming RML Processor), to investigate the feasibility and possible mistakes of the new RML test cases and specifications. We found several problems in the RML modules, ranging from mismatches between the test cases and their specification and invalid SHACL shapes to edge cases not covered by the specifications. Through this work, we improve the quality of RML test cases and the coverage of their corresponding specifications to increase adoption and conformance among RML Processors.
Submission Number: 5