Enabling Open Science Collaboration: The Open Science Framework (OSF)

03 Jul 2023 (modified: 01 Aug 2023)InvestinOpen 2023 OI Fund SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Funding Area: Critical shared infrastructure / Infraestructura compartida critica
Problem Statement: The research landscape in Nigeria suffers from fragmented practices, inadequate data management, limited research visibility, and insufficient support for open science. Researchers work in isolation without standardized practices, hindering collaboration and knowledge sharing. Inadequate data management practices impede reproducibility and restrict scientific progress. Limited research visibility and access to reputable journals hamper dissemination and collaboration. The absence of institutional support and infrastructure for open science limits Nigeria's potential for global contributions. Addressing these challenges requires implementing the Open Science Framework (OSF) to promote transparent research practices, improve data management, enhance visibility, and foster collaboration.
Proposed Activities: Project Planning and Design: Define project scope and objectives, conduct needs assessment, identify key features, and determine requirements. Timeline: 1-2 months. Development and Testing: Engage a team of developers and engineers, design and develop the OSF platform, conduct testing and debugging. Timeline: 6-12 months. Community Engagement and Outreach: Establish partnerships, conduct awareness campaigns, provide training, and support users. Timeline: Ongoing. Continuous Improvement and Enhancement: Collect feedback, update and enhance the platform, address technical issues and security. Timeline: Ongoing
Openness: The proposed work of the Open Science Framework (OSF) promotes openness in several ways. The OSF serves as an open infrastructure, enabling researchers to collaborate, manage, and share their work openly. It encourages open access and data sharing, facilitating transparency and reproducibility. Through engagement activities, it involves the broader community, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. Plans to share project output openly ensure accessibility and enable contributions. The OSF's commitment to openness creates an inclusive environment for researchers to advance scientific knowledge collectively.
Challenges: Carrying out the proposed work of the Open Science Framework (OSF) may face challenges including resistance to change, limited awareness, technical infrastructure constraints, capacity building needs, funding and sustainability issues, and interoperability challenges. Overcoming these obstacles will require stakeholder engagement, targeted education, addressing infrastructure limitations, securing sustainable funding, and actively resolving interoperability issues. By addressing these challenges, successful implementation and adoption of the OSF platform can promote open science practices and collaboration within the research community.
Neglectedness: To the best of our knowledge there is currently no other sources of funding for this type of work. No, we have not. Because we have never seen an open call for submissions to be made under the theme, and most organizations do not accept unsolicited proposals.
Success: The success of the OSF project will be measured through indicators such as user adoption, engagement metrics, community feedback, research impact, institutional adoption, integration with existing systems, training effectiveness, and long-term sustainability. These measures assess the level of platform usage, active participation, user satisfaction, research outcomes, institutional endorsement, system integration, training efficacy, and financial sustainability. Analyzing these metrics informs improvements and strategies to enhance the project's success and impact.
Total Budget: $25,000
Budget File: pdf
Affiliations: This proposal is currently not affiliated with any organization or funding source nor has any submission made so far. However, effort will be intensified to discover complimentary funding sources.
LMIE Carveout: The OSF project will have a transformative impact on researchers in Nigeria, a lower middle-income country, by fostering collaboration, transparency, and accessibility. It will enhance research collaboration, enable open access to research outputs, promote transparency and reproducibility, accelerate scientific discoveries, facilitate capacity building, and strengthen international collaborations. By embracing open science principles, the project will empower Nigerian researchers, improve research practices, and contribute to the growth of the scientific community, positioning the country as a leader in open science and research collaboration within the region.
Team Skills: The team possesses vital skills, capacity, knowledge, lived experience, and partnerships crucial to the success of the OSF project. We have technical expertise in web development, research and open science knowledge, UX design skills, community engagement experience, a strong partnership network, and project management capabilities. Our team members have lived experience as researchers, providing valuable insight into user needs. By leveraging these strengths, we can effectively develop a user-centered OSF platform that empowers Nigerian researchers and promotes open science practices.
Submission Number: 11