Concerned About Climate Change? Gauging Climate Actions Awareness Among Citizens For Accountability of Government and Policy Makers Efforts

Published: 29 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 29 Jul 2024Fragile Earth ShortPresentationEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Climate Change, Citizen's Engagement, Awareness Assessment, Accountability, NLP, Social Media
Abstract: Climate change is reflected in extreme and uncertain weather events, the melting of glaciers, the spreading of diseases, and crop failure leading to threats to food security. Climate change poses serious challenges for humanity itself. Citizens, Corporations, Governments, Local bodies and Policymakers need to come up with innovative solutions to address the climate change problems from several dimensions, one of the dimensions is to make people aware of climate change and its impact. But without citizen's behavioural changes, climate change actions are not possible. There is a need for innovative quantification and objective methods to assess, monitor and evaluate the citizens’ engagement, discussion and direction of information flow regarding Climate actions so that the government’s and policymakers' efforts can have course corrections if needed. This research work proposes an innovative approach and methodology to assess climate action discourses through social media public discussion, and engagement using the integration of advanced NLP, sentiment analysis, and machine learning models in spatial and temporal domains. The experiment is designed to evaluate the climate action feedback of Indian citizens over social media space from 2015 to 2020. The study unravels noteworthy insights with the year 2020 standing out with the highest engagement score of 1.6672, suggesting a significant increase in overall engagement. In 2021, the engagement score remains high at 1.6666, almost similar to the previous year. However, the Momentum Score of 0.7107 suggests a substantial positive momentum, signifying a notable recovery or increase in engagement compared to the previous year. The proposed research provides insights, directions and new ways to explore climate action research for policymakers and government officials for future courses of action.
Submission Number: 1