CUDA: Curriculum of Data Augmentation for Long-tailed RecognitionDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 08 Sept 2024ICLR 2023 notable top 25%Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Long-tailed recognition, class imbalance
Abstract: Class imbalance problems frequently occur in real-world tasks, and conventional deep learning algorithms are well known for performance degradation on imbalanced training datasets. To mitigate this problem, many approaches have aimed to balance among given classes by re-weighting or re-sampling training samples. These re-balancing methods increase the impact of minority classes and reduce the influence of majority classes on the output of models. However, the extracted representations may be of poor quality owing to the limited number of minority samples. To handle this restriction, several methods have been developed that increase the representations of minority samples by leveraging the features of the majority samples. Despite extensive recent studies, no deep analysis has been conducted on determination of classes to be augmented and strength of augmentation has been conducted. In this study, we first investigate the correlation between the degree of augmentation and class-wise performance, and find that the proper degree of augmentation must be allocated for each class to mitigate class imbalance problems. Motivated by this finding, we propose a simple and efficient novel curriculum, which is designed to find the appropriate per-class strength of data augmentation, called CUDA: CUrriculum of Data Augmentation for long-tailed recognition. CUDA can simply be integrated into existing long-tailed recognition methods. We present the results of experiments showing that CUDA effectively achieves better generalization performance compared to the state-of-the-art method on various imbalanced datasets such as CIFAR-100-LT, ImageNet-LT, and iNaturalist 2018.
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Please Choose The Closest Area That Your Submission Falls Into: Deep Learning and representational learning
TL;DR: We propose a class-wise data augmentation method by designing the curriculum of data augmentation, which is based on our findings that stronger augmentation on major classes improves the performance on long-tailed recognition.
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