A Lightweight nnU-Net Combined with Target Adaptive Loss for Organs and Tumors Segmentation

09 Sept 2023 (modified: 22 Dec 2023)Submitted to FLARE 2023EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: abdominal organs and tumors segmentation, lightweight nnU-Net, target adaptive loss
TL;DR: We designed a model combining lightweight nnU-Net and target adaptive loss, to segment images efficiently and make full use of partially labeled dataset.
Abstract: Accurate and automated abdominal organs and tumors segmentation is of great importance in clinical practice. Due to the high time- and labor-consumption of manual annotating datasets, especially in the highly specialized medical domain, partially annotated datasets and unlabeled datasets are more common in practical applications, compared to fully labeled datasets. CNNs based methods have contributed to the development of medical images segmentation. However, previous CNN models were mostly trained on fully labeled datasets. So it is more vital to develop a method based on partially labeled datasets. In FLARE23, we design a model combining a lightweight nnU-Net and target adaptive loss (TAL) to obtain the segmentation results efficiently and make full use of partially labeled dataset. Our method achieved an average DSC score of 86.40\% and 19.41\% for the organs and lesions on the validation set and the average running time and area under GPU memory-time cure are 25.34s and 23018MB, respectively.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 15