Motion Representation with Acceleration ImagesDownload PDF

Hirokatsu Kataoka, Yun He, Soma Shirakabe, Yutaka Satoh

27 Jul 2024 (modified: 31 Aug 2016)ECCV2016 BNMWReaders: Everyone
Submit For Proceedings: yes
Abstract: Information of time differentiation is extremely important cue for a motion representation. We have applied first-order differential velocity from a positional information, moreover we believe that second-order differential acceleration is also a significant feature in a motion representation. However, an acceleration image based on a typical optical flow includes motion noises. We have not employed the acceleration image because the noises are too strong to catch an effective motion feature in an image sequence. On one hand, the recent convolutional neural networks (CNN) are robust against input noises. In this paper, we employ acceleration-stream in addition to the spatial- and temporal-stream based on the two-stream CNN. We clearly show the effectiveness of adding the acceleration stream to the two-stream CNN.
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