Adversarial training with perturbation generator networksDownload PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
TL;DR: We proposed the adaptive adversarial training algorithm with learnable perturbation generator networks.
Abstract: Despite the remarkable development of recent deep learning techniques, neural networks are still vulnerable to adversarial attacks, i.e., methods that fool the neural networks with perturbations that are too small for human eyes to perceive. Many adversarial training methods were introduced as to solve this problem, using adversarial examples as a training data. However, these adversarial attack methods used in these techniques are fixed, making the model stronger only to attacks used in training, which is widely known as an overfitting problem. In this paper, we suggest a novel adversarial training approach. In addition to the classifier, our method adds another neural network that generates the most effective adversarial perturbation by finding the weakness of the classifier. This perturbation generator network is trained to produce perturbations that maximize the loss function of the classifier, and these adversarial examples train the classifier with a true label. In short, the two networks compete with each other, performing a minimax game. In this scenario, attack patterns created by the generator network are adaptively altered to the classifier, mitigating the overfitting problem mentioned above. We theoretically proved that our minimax optimization problem is equivalent to minimizing the adversarial loss after all. Beyond this, we proposed an evaluation method that could accurately compare a wide-range of adversarial algorithms. Experiments with various datasets show that our method outperforms conventional adversarial algorithms.
Keywords: Adversarial training, Generative model, Adaptive perturbation generator, Robust optimization
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