What is needed in a Knowledge Graph Management Platform? A survey and a proposalDownload PDF

11 Mar 2022 (modified: 23 May 2023)Submitted to KGCW 2022Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Semantic Web, Knowledge Graph, Knowledge Graph Platform, Data Services and Functionality
Abstract: Knowledge Graphs (KGs) play a significant and growing role for semantics-based support of a wide variety of applications. Until recently, creating and maintaining such knowledge graphs was done in a one-off manner requiring significant manual effort and expertise. Over the last few years, the first KG management platforms supporting the lifecycle of KGs from their creation to their maintenance and use have appeared. In this paper, we first survey these platforms. We then take a step further and identify common functionalities across such platforms. We discuss nineteen such functionalities categorized into four groups: creating, extending, using, and maintaining KGs. Based on the findings of this analysis, we present our proposed KG management platform for the biodiversity domain, iKNOW. We focus on the architecture and the KG creation workflow, but also touch on other aspects.
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