Server selection methods in personal metasearch: a comparative empirical study

Published: 01 Jan 2009, Last Modified: 29 Apr 2024Inf. Retr. 2009EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY-SA 4.0
Abstract: Server selection is an important subproblem in distributed information retrieval (DIR) but has commonly been studied with collections of more or less uniform size and with more or less homogeneous content. In contrast, realistic DIR applications may feature much more varied collections. In particular, personal metasearch—a novel application of DIR which includes all of a user’s online resources—may involve collections which vary in size by several orders of magnitude, and which have highly varied data. We describe a number of algorithms for server selection, and consider their effectiveness when collections vary widely in size and are represented by imperfect samples. We compare the algorithms on a personal metasearch testbed comprising calendar, email, mailing list and web collections, where collection sizes differ by three orders of magnitude. We then explore the effect of collection size variations using four partitionings of the TREC ad hoc data used in many other DIR experiments. Kullback-Leibler divergence, previously considered poorly effective, performs better than expected in this application; other techniques thought to be effective perform poorly and are not appropriate for this problem. A strong correlation with size-based rankings for many techniques may be responsible.