Boosting Adversarial Transferability using Dynamic CuesDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 14 Jul 2024ICLR 2023 posterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Adversarial attacks, Transferability, Prompt learning, Dynamic video modeling
Abstract: The transferability of adversarial perturbations between image models has been extensively studied. In this case, an attack is generated from a known surrogate \eg, the ImageNet trained model, and transferred to change the decision of an unknown (black-box) model trained on an image dataset. However, attacks generated from image models do not capture the dynamic nature of a moving object or a changing scene due to a lack of temporal cues within image models. This leads to reduced transferability of adversarial attacks from representation-enriched \emph{image} models such as Supervised Vision Transformers (ViTs), Self-supervised ViTs (\eg, DINO), and Vision-language models (\eg, CLIP) to black-box \emph{video} models. In this work, we induce dynamic cues within the image models without sacrificing their original performance on images. To this end, we optimize \emph{temporal prompts} through frozen image models to capture motion dynamics. Our temporal prompts are the result of a learnable transformation that allows optimizing for temporal gradients during an adversarial attack to fool the motion dynamics. Specifically, we introduce spatial (image) and temporal (video) cues within the same source model through task-specific prompts. Attacking such prompts maximizes the adversarial transferability from image-to-video and image-to-image models using the attacks designed for image models. As an example, an iterative attack launched from image model Deit-B with temporal prompts reduces generalization (top1 \% accuracy) of a video model by 35\% on Kinetics-400. Our approach also improves adversarial transferability to image models by 9\% on ImageNet w.r.t the current state-of-the-art approach. Our attack results indicate that the attacker does not need specialized architectures, \eg, divided space-time attention, 3D convolutions, or multi-view convolution networks for different data modalities. Image models are effective surrogates to optimize an adversarial attack to fool black-box models in a changing environment over time. Code is available at \url{}
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TL;DR: A new approach for optimizing temporal prompts through frozen image models to capture motion dynamics for better transferability
Community Implementations: [![CatalyzeX](/images/catalyzex_icon.svg) 2 code implementations](
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