Metagross: Meta Gated Recursive Controller Units for Sequence ModelingDownload PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Recurrent Neural Networks
TL;DR: Recursive Parameterization of Recurrent Models improve performance
Abstract: This paper proposes Metagross (Meta Gated Recursive Controller), a new neural sequence modeling unit. Our proposed unit is characterized by recursive parameterization of its gating functions, i.e., gating mechanisms of Metagross are controlled by instances of itself, which are repeatedly called in a recursive fashion. This can be interpreted as a form of meta-gating and recursively parameterizing a recurrent model. We postulate that our proposed inductive bias provides modeling benefits pertaining to learning with inherently hierarchically-structured sequence data (e.g., language, logical or music tasks). To this end, we conduct extensive experiments on recursive logic tasks (sorting, tree traversal, logical inference), sequential pixel-by-pixel classification, semantic parsing, code generation, machine translation and polyphonic music modeling, demonstrating the widespread utility of the proposed approach, i.e., achieving state-of-the-art (or close) performance on all tasks.
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