A new perspective in understanding of Adam-Type algorithms and beyondDownload PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
TL;DR: A new perspective in understanding of Adam-Type algorithms
Abstract: First-order adaptive optimization algorithms such as Adam play an important role in modern deep learning due to their super fast convergence speed in solving large scale optimization problems. However, Adam's non-convergence behavior and regrettable generalization ability make it fall into a love-hate relationship to deep learning community. Previous studies on Adam and its variants (refer as Adam-Type algorithms) mainly rely on theoretical regret bound analysis, which overlook the natural characteristic reside in such algorithms and limit our thinking. In this paper, we aim at seeking a different interpretation of Adam-Type algorithms so that we can intuitively comprehend and improve them. The way we chose is based on a traditional online convex optimization algorithm scheme known as mirror descent method. By bridging Adam and mirror descent, we receive a clear map of the functionality of each part in Adam. In addition, this new angle brings us a new insight on identifying the non-convergence issue of Adam. Moreover, we provide new variant of Adam-Type algorithm, namely AdamAL which can naturally mitigate the non-convergence issue of Adam and improve its performance. We further conduct experiments on various popular deep learning tasks and models, and the results are quite promising.
Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qgqhg6znuimzci9/adamAL.py?dl=0
Keywords: Machine Learning, Algorithm, Adam, First-Order Method
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