Smart Ternary QuantizationDownload PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Neural network models are resource hungry. Low bit quantization such as binary and ternary quantization is a common approach to alleviate this resource requirements. Ternary quantization provides a more flexible model and often beats binary quantization in terms of accuracy, but doubles memory and increases computation cost. Mixed quantization depth models, on another hand, allows a trade-off between accuracy and memory footprint. In such models, quantization depth is often chosen manually (which is a tiring task), or is tuned using a separate optimization routine (which requires training a quantized network multiple times). Here, we propose Smart Ternary Quantization (STQ) in which we modify the quantization depth directly through an adaptive regularization function, so that we train a model only once. This method jumps between binary and ternary quantization while training. We show its application on image classification.
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