Neural Manifold Regularization: Aligning 2D Latent Dynamics with Stereotyped, Natural, and Attempted Movements
Keywords: dimensionality reduction, brain-machine interfaces, motor control, neural coding, self-supervised learning
TL;DR: A dimensionality reduction method that maps high-dimensional neural dynamics to two-dimensional, behavior-aligned latent dynamics.
Abstract: Mapping neural activity to behavior is a fundamental goal in both neuroscience and brain-machine interfaces. Traditionally, at least three-dimensional (3D) latent dynamics have been required to represent two-dimensional (2D) movement trajectories. In this work, we introduce Neural Manifold Regularization (NMR), a method that embeds neural dynamics into a 2D latent space and regularizes the manifold based on the distances and densities of continuous movement labels. NMR pulls together positive pairs of neural embeddings (corresponding to closer labels) and pushes apart negative pairs (representing more distant labels). Additionally, NMR applies greater force to infrequent labels to prevent them from collapsing into dominant labels.
We evaluated NMR across four modalities of neural signals and three types of movements. When combined with a linear regression decoder, NMR outperformed other dimensionality reduction methods by over 50\% across 68 sessions. The highly consistent neural manifolds extracted by NMR enable robust motor decoding across sessions, years, and subjects using a simple linear regression decoder.
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Primary Area: applications to neuroscience & cognitive science
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Submission Number: 1722