Contrastive Deterministic Autoencoders For Language Modeling

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Machine Learning for NLP
Submission Track 2: Language Modeling and Analysis of Language Models
Keywords: Autoencoders, Contrastive, Transformers
TL;DR: Contrastive learning for Transformer/LSTM-autoencoders can be improved when they are deterministic.
Abstract: Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are a popular family of generative models with wide applicability. Training VAEs, especially for text, often runs into the issue of posterior collapse, resulting in loss of representation quality. Deterministic autoencoders avoid this issue, and have been explored particularly well for images. It is however unclear how to best modify a deterministic model designed for images into a successful one for text. We show that with suitable adaptations, we can significantly improve on batch-normed VAEs (BN-VAEs), a strong benchmark for language modeling with VAEs, by replacing them with analogous deterministic models. We employ techniques from contrastive learning to control the entropy of the aggregate posterior of these models to make it Gaussian. The resulting models skip reparametrization steps in VAE modeling and avoid posterior collapse, while outperforming a broad range of VAE models on text generation and downstream tasks from representations. These improvements are shown to be consistent across both LSTM and Transformer-based VAE architectures. Appropriate comparisons to BERT/GPT-2 based results are also included. We also qualitatively examine the latent space through interpolation to supplement the quantitative aspects of the model.
Submission Number: 3663