Unleashing the Power of Language Models in Text-Attributed Graph

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: NLP Applications
Keywords: Hierarchical Text-attributed Graph, Pre-training, Self-supervised Tasks
Abstract: Representation learning on graph has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool for solving real-world problems. Text-attributed graph carries both semantic and structural information among different types of graphs. Existing works have paved the way for knowledge extraction of this type of data by leveraging language models or graph neural networks or combination of them. However, these works suffer from issues like underutilization of relationships between nodes or words or unaffordable memory cost. In this paper, we propose a Node Representation Update Pre-training Architecture based on Co-modeling Text and Graph (NRUP). In NRUP, we construct a hierarchical text-attributed graph that incorporates both original nodes and word nodes. Meanwhile, we apply four self-supervised tasks for different level of constructed graph. We further design the pre-training framework to update the features of nodes during training epochs. We conduct the experiment on the benchmark dataset ogbn-arxiv. Our method achieves outperformance compared to baselines, fully demonstrating its validity and generalization.
Submission Number: 2992