Distribution-Aware Mean Estimation under User-level Local Differential Privacy
Abstract: We consider the problem of mean estimation under user-level local differential privacy, where $n$ users are contributing through their local pool of data samples.
Previous work assume that the number of data samples is the same across users.
In contrast, we consider a more general and realistic scenario where each user $u \in [n]$ owns $m_u$ data samples drawn from some generative distribution $\mu$; $m_u$ being unknown to the statistician but drawn from a known distribution $M$ over $\mathbb{N}$.
Based on a distribution-aware mean estimation algorithm, we establish an $M$-dependent upper bounds on the worst-case risk over $\mu$ for the task of mean estimation. We then derive a lower bound. The two bounds are asymptotically matching up to logarithmic factors and reduce to known bounds when $m_u = m$ for any user $u$.
Submission Number: 697