Poisson-Dirac Neural Networks for Modeling Coupled Dynamical Systems across Domains

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 02 Mar 2025ICLR 2025 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: neural ordinary differential equations, coupled system, Poisson system, Dirac structure
TL;DR: Poisson-Dirac formulation with ports enables neural networks to model various dynamical systems across domains and identify their internal structures.
Abstract: Deep learning has achieved great success in modeling dynamical systems, providing data-driven simulators to predict complex phenomena, even without known governing equations. However, existing models have two major limitations: their narrow focus on mechanical systems and their tendency to treat systems as monolithic. These limitations reduce their applicability to dynamical systems in other domains, such as electrical and hydraulic systems, and to coupled systems. To address these limitations, we propose Poisson-Dirac Neural Networks (PoDiNNs), a novel framework based on the Dirac structure that unifies the port-Hamiltonian and Poisson formulations from geometric mechanics. This framework enables a unified representation of various dynamical systems across multiple domains as well as their interactions and degeneracies arising from couplings. Our experiments demonstrate that PoDiNNs offer improved accuracy and interpretability in modeling unknown coupled dynamical systems from data.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: learning on time series and dynamical systems
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Submission Number: 4280