Differentiable Gradient Sampling for Learning Implicit 3D Scene Reconstructions from a Single ImageDownload PDF

Published: 28 Jan 2022, Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023ICLR 2022 PosterReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Implicit shape models are promising 3D representations for modeling arbitrary locations, with Signed Distance Functions (SDFs) particularly suitable for clear mesh surface reconstruction. Existing approaches for single object reconstruction impose supervision signals based on the loss of the signed distance value from all locations in a scene, posing difficulties when extending to real-world scenarios. The spatial gradient of the signed distance field, rather than the SDF value itself, has not been typically employed as a source of supervision for single-view reconstruction, in part due to the difficulties of differentiable sampling a spatial gradient from the feature map. In this study, we derive a novel closed-form gradient sampling solution for Differentialble Gradient Sampling (DGS) that enables backpropagation of the loss of the spatial gradient back to the feature map pixels, thus allowing the imposition of the loss efficiently on the spatial gradient. As a result, we achieve high-quality single view indoor scene reconstruction results learning directly from a real-world scanned dataset (e.g. ScannetV2). Our model also performs well when generalizing to unseen images downloaded directly from the internet (Fig. 1). We comfortably advanced the state-of-the-art results with several established datasets including ShapeNet and ScannetV2; extensive quantitative analysis confirmed that our proposed DGS module plays an essential role in achieving this performance improvement. Full codes are available in MaskedURL.
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