Keywords: diffusion models, score-based generative models, score estimation, statistical-to-computational gap, computational hardness, learning with errors (LWE)
TL;DR: We show that L2-accurate score estimation, in the absence of strong assumptions on the data distribution, is cryptographically hard.
Abstract: We show that L2-accurate score estimation, in the absence of strong assumptions on the data distribution, is computationally hard even when sample complexity is polynomial in the relevant problem parameters. Our reduction builds on the result of Chen et al. (ICLR 2023), who showed that the problem of generating samples from an unknown data distribution reduces to L2-accurate score estimation. Our hard-to-estimate distributions are the "Gaussian pancakes" distributions, originally due to Diakonikolas et al. (FOCS 2017), which have been shown to be computationally indistinguishable from the standard Gaussian under widely believed hardness assumptions from lattice-based cryptography (Bruna et al., STOC 2021; Gupte et al., FOCS 2022).
Primary Area: Learning theory
Submission Number: 2032