IfQA: A Dataset for Open-domain Question Answering under Counterfactual Presuppositions

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 MainEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Question Answering
Submission Track 2: Commonsense Reasoning
Keywords: open-domain question answering, counterfactual reasoning
Abstract: Although counterfactual reasoning is a fundamental aspect of intelligence, the lack of large-scale counterfactual open-domain question-answering (QA) benchmarks makes it difficult to evaluate and improve models on this ability. To address this void, we introduce the first such dataset, named IfQA, where each question is based on a counterfactual presupposition via an ``if'' clause. Such questions require models to go beyond retrieving direct factual knowledge from the Web: they must identify the right information to retrieve and reason about an imagined situation that may even go against the facts built into their parameters. The IfQA dataset contains 3,800 questions that were annotated by crowdworkers on relevant Wikipedia passages. Empirical analysis reveals that the IfQA dataset is highly challenging for existing open-domain QA methods, including supervised retrieve-then-read pipeline methods (F1 score 44.5), as well as recent few-shot approaches such as chain-of-thought prompting with ChatGPT (F1 score 57.2). We hope the unique challenges posed by IfQA will push open-domain QA research on both retrieval and reasoning fronts, while also helping endow counterfactual reasoning abilities to today's language understanding models.
Submission Number: 560