Keywords: VAE, Variational Auto Encoder, Time Series, Data Generation, GAN, Generative Adversarial Network
Abstract: Recent work in synthetic data generation in the time-series domain has focused on the use of Generative Adversarial Networks. We propose a novel architecture for synthetically generating time-series data with the use of Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs). The proposed architecture has several distinct properties: interpretability, ability to encode domain knowledge, and reduced training times. We evaluate data generation quality by similarity and predictability against four multivariate datasets. We experiment with varying sizes of training data to measure the impact of data availability on generation quality for our VAE method as well as several state-of-the-art data generation methods. Our results on similarity tests show that the VAE approach is able to accurately represent the temporal attributes of the original data. On next-step prediction tasks using generated data, the proposed VAE architecture consistently meets or exceeds performance of state-of-the-art data generation methods. While noise reduction may cause the generated data to deviate from original data, we demonstrate the resulting de-noised data can significantly improve performance for next-step prediction using generated data. Finally, the proposed architecture can incorporate domain-specific time-patterns such as polynomial trends and seasonalities to provide interpretable outputs. Such interpretability can be highly advantageous in applications requiring transparency of model outputs or where users desire to inject prior knowledge of time-series patterns into the generative model.
One-sentence Summary: We propose a novel architecture for synthetically generating time-series data with the use of Variational Auto-Encoders that allows for interpretability, ability to encode domain knowledge, and demonstrates reduced training times over GAN methods.
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