Unveiling the Hidden Structure of Self-Attention via Kernel Principal Component Analysis

Published: 25 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 06 Nov 2024NeurIPS 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Transformers, Attention, Kernel Principal Component Analysis
TL;DR: We show that self-attention projects its query vectors onto the principal component axes of its key matrix in a feature space and propose Attention with Robust Principal Components, a novel robust attention that is resilient to data contamination.
Abstract: The remarkable success of transformers in sequence modeling tasks, spanning various applications in natural language processing and computer vision, is attributed to the critical role of self-attention. Similar to the development of most deep learning models, the construction of these attention mechanisms relies on heuristics and experience. In our work, we derive self-attention from kernel principal component analysis (kernel PCA) and show that self-attention projects its query vectors onto the principal component axes of its key matrix in a feature space. We then formulate the exact formula for the value matrix in self-attention, theoretically and empirically demonstrating that this value matrix captures the eigenvectors of the Gram matrix of the key vectors in self-attention. Leveraging our kernel PCA framework, we propose Attention with Robust Principal Components (RPC-Attention), a novel class of robust attention that is resilient to data contamination. We empirically demonstrate the advantages of RPC-Attention over softmax attention on the ImageNet-1K object classification, WikiText-103 language modeling, and ADE20K image segmentation task.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: Deep learning architectures
Submission Number: 6137