Large Language Models for Explainability in Machine Learning

27 Sept 2024 (modified: 05 Feb 2025)Submitted to ICLR 2025EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: XAI, explainability, large language models
TL;DR: A quantitative evaluation of the suitability of LLMs for explainable AI.
Abstract: We investigate the potential of large language models (LLMs) in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) by examining their ability to generate understandable explanations for machine learning (ML) models. While recent studies suggest that LLMs could effectively address the limitations of traditional explanation methods through their conversational capabilities, there has been a lack of systematic evaluation of the quality of these LLM-generated explanations. To fill this gap, this study evaluates whether LLMs can produce explanations for ML models that meet the fundamental properties of XAI using conventional ML models and explanation methods as benchmarks. The findings offer important insights into the strengths and limitations of LLMs as tools for explainable AI, provide recommendations for their appropriate use, and identify promising directions for future research.
Primary Area: interpretability and explainable AI
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Submission Number: 10132