Linear Contextual Bandits with Adversarial CorruptionsDownload PDF

21 May 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)NeurIPS 2021 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Abstract: We study the linear contextual bandits problem in the presence of adversarial corruption, where the interaction between the player and a possibly infinite decision set is contaminated by an adversary that can corrupt the reward up to a corruption level $C$ measured by the sum of the largest alteration on rewards in each round. We present a variance-aware algorithm that is adaptive to the level of adversarial contamination $C$. The key algorithmic design includes (1) a multi-level partition scheme of the observed data, (2) a cascade of confidence sets that are adaptive to the level of the corruption, and (3) a variance-aware confidence set construction that can take advantage of low-variance reward. We further prove that the regret of the proposed algorithm is $\tilde{O}(C^2d\sqrt{\sum_{t = 1}^T \sigma_t^2} + C^2 \sqrt{dT} + CR\sqrt{dT})$, where $d$ is the dimension of context vectors, $T$ is the number of rounds, $R$ is the range of noise and $\sigma_t^2,t=1\ldots,T$ are the variances of instantaneous reward. We also prove a gap-dependent regret bound for the proposed algorithm, which is instance-dependent and thus leads to better performance on good practical instances. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first variance-aware corruption robust algorithm for contextual bandits.
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