Abstract: End-to-end Task-Oriented Dialog (TOD) systems typically require extensive training datasets to perform well. In contrast, large language model (LLM) based TOD systems can excel even with limited data due to their ability to learn tasks through in-context exemplars. However, these models lack alignment with the style of responses in training data and often generate comprehensive responses, making it difficult for users to grasp the information quickly. In response, we propose *SyncTOD* that synergizes LLMs with task-specific hints to improve alignment in low-data settings. *SyncTOD* employs small auxiliary models to provide hints and select exemplars for in-context prompts. With *ChatGPT*, *SyncTOD* achieves superior performance compared to LLM-based baselines and SoTA models in low-data settings, while retaining competitive performance in full-data settings.
Paper Type: Short
Research Area: Dialogue and Interactive Systems
Research Area Keywords: Task-Oriented Dialogue System
Contribution Types: NLP engineering experiment
Languages Studied: English
Submission Number: 5377