Low-Precision Stochastic Gradient Langevin DynamicsDownload PDF

Published: 28 Jan 2022, Last Modified: 22 Oct 2023ICLR 2022 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Low-precision optimization is widely used to accelerate large-scale deep learning. Despite providing better uncertainty estimation and generalization, sampling methods remain mostly unexplored in this space. In this paper, we provide the first study of low-precision Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD), arguing that it is particularly suited to low-bit arithmetic due to its intrinsic ability to handle system noise. We prove the convergence of low-precision SGLD on strongly log-concave distributions, showing that with full-precision gradient accumulators, SGLD is more robust to quantization error than SGD; however, with low-precision gradient accumulators, SGLD can diverge arbitrarily far from the target distribution with small stepsizes. To remedy this issue, we develop a new quantization function that preserves the correct variance in each update step. We demonstrate that the resulting low-precision SGLD algorithm is comparable to full-precision SGLD and outperforms low-precision SGD on deep learning tasks.
Community Implementations: [![CatalyzeX](/images/catalyzex_icon.svg) 1 code implementation](https://www.catalyzex.com/paper/arxiv:2206.09909/code)
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