Learning Quadruped Locomotion Using Differentiable Simulation

Published: 05 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 15 Oct 2024CoRL 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Differentiable Simulation, Legged Locomotion, Reinforcement Learning
TL;DR: Differentiable simulation allows for learning quadruped locomotion over challenging terrains effectively.
Abstract: This work explores the potential of using differentiable simulation for learning robot control. Differentiable simulation promises fast convergence and stable training by computing low-variance first-order gradients using the robot model. Still, so far, its usage for legged robots is limited to simulation. The main challenge lies in the complex optimization landscape of robotic tasks due to discontinuous dynamics. This work proposes a new differentiable simulation framework to overcome these challenges. The key idea involves decoupling the complex whole-body simulation, which may exhibit discontinuities due to contact into two separate continuous domains. Subsequently, we align the robot state resulting from the simplified model with a more precise, non-differentiable simulator to maintain sufficient simulation accuracy. Our framework enables learning quadruped walking in simulation in minutes without parallelization. When augmented with GPU parallelization, our approach allows the quadruped robot to master diverse locomotion skills on challenging terrains in minutes. We demonstrate that differentiable simulation outperforms a reinforcement learning algorithm (PPO) by achieving significantly better sample efficiency while maintaining its effectiveness in handling large-scale environments. Our policy achieves robust locomotion performance in the real world zero-shot.
Supplementary Material: zip
Video: https://youtu.be/weNq_w715xM
Publication Agreement: pdf
Student Paper: yes
Submission Number: 581