Keywords: Multimodal learning, Multimodal Graph, Large Language Model, Graph Position Encodings, Parameter-efficient Fine-tuning
TL;DR: We propose Multimodal Graph Learning (MMGL), a general framework for capturing information from multiple multimodal neighbors with relational structures among them for generative tasks, building upon pretrained Language Models.
Abstract: Multimodal learning combines multiple data modalities, broadening the types and complexity of data our models can utilize; for example, from plain text to image-caption pairs. Most multimodal learning algorithms focus on modeling simple one-to-one pairs of data from two modalities, such as image-caption pairs, or audio-text pairs. However, in most real-world settings, entities of different modalities interact with each other in more complex and multifaceted ways, going beyond one-to-one mappings. We propose to represent these complex relationships as graphs, allowing us to capture data with any number of modalities, and with complex relationships between modalities that can flexibly vary from one sample to another. Toward this goal, we propose Multimodal Graph Learning (MMGL), a general and systematic framework for capturing information from multiple multimodal neighbors with relational structures among them. In particular, we focus on MMGL for \emph{generative} tasks, building upon pretrained Language Models (LMs), aiming to augment their text generation with multimodal neighbor contexts. We study three research questions raised by MMGL: (1) how can we infuse multiple neighbor information into the pretrained LMs, while avoiding scalability issues? (2) how can we infuse the graph structure information among multimodal neighbors into the LMs? and (3) how can we finetune the pretrained LMs to learn from the neighbor context parameter-efficiently? We conduct extensive experiments to answer these three questions on MMGL and analyze the empirical results to pave the way for future MMGL research.
Submission Number: 80