Keywords: conditional generative adversarial networks, conditional image generation
Abstract: Conditional generative models aim to learn the underlying joint distribution of data and labels, and thus realize conditional generation. Among them, auxiliary classifier generative adversarial networks (AC-GAN) have been widely used, but suffer from the problem of low intra-class diversity on generated samples. In this paper, we point out that the fundamental reason is that the classifier of AC-GAN is generator-agnostic, and therefore cannot provide informative guidance to the generator to approximate the target distribution, resulting in minimization of conditional entropy that decreases the intra-class diversity. Motivated by this observation, we propose a novel conditional GAN with auxiliary \textit{discriminative} classifier (ADC-GAN) to resolve the problem of AC-GAN. Specifically, the proposed auxiliary \textit{discriminative} classifier becomes generator-aware by recognizing the labels of the real data and the generated data \textit{discriminatively}. Our theoretical analysis reveals that the generator can faithfully replicate the target distribution even without the original discriminator, making the proposed ADC-GAN robust to the hyper-parameter and stable during the training process. Extensive experimental results on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of ADC-GAN on conditional generative modeling compared to competing methods.
One-sentence Summary: We propose a novel conditional generative adversarial network with an auxiliary discriminative classifier to achieve faithful conditional generative modeling.
Supplementary Material: zip
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