A Compliant Gripper System for Delicate Object Grasping through Intrinsic Contact Sensing

Published: 02 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024DM 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Track: Demo Submission Track
Keywords: Adaptive gripper, structural compliance, force sensing, robust grasping
TL;DR: In this project, we develop a grasping system that includes an adaptive gripper and a robotic arm, designed to sense, grasp, and interact with a diverse range of objects.
Abstract: Robust and stable grasping is critical for many robotic applications, particularly when handling fragile and deformable objects. However, seamlessly integrating contact sensing and achieving structural compliance during the grasping process pose significant challenges. In this project, we develop a grasping system that includes a soft gripper and a robotic arm, designed to achieve both contact sensing and structural compliance for grasping various objects. Specifically, the soft gripper, equipped with compact deflection sensors, serves as the end-effector on a robotic arm to handle various objects. The deflection sensors are essential for contact sensing about contact conditions, including contact positions and grasping forces, to provide critical information for safely handling fragile and deformable items. Following contact sensing, the inherent structural compliance of the soft gripper allows it to adjust to a broad range of irregular shapes. We conduct and document tests on various objects, such as an egg, a small wine glass, and a glue bottle. These tests not only demonstrate the feasibility of the developed system but also highlight its potential to contribute to a comprehensive grasping dataset that includes data on deformation and forces during grasping.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 202