Rethinking the Pruning Criteria for Convolutional Neural NetworkDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Pruning Criteria, Similarity, Convolution, Weight Distribution
Abstract: Channel pruning is a popular technique for compressing convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and various pruning criteria have been proposed to remove the redundant filters of CNNs. From our comprehensive experiments, we find some blind spots on pruning criteria: (1) Similarity: There are some strong similarities among several primary pruning criteria that are widely cited and compared. According to these criteria, the ranks of filters’ importance in a convolutional layer are almost the same, resulting in similar pruned structures. (2) Applicability: For a large network (each convolutional layer has a large number of filters), some criteria can not distinguish the network redundancy well from their measured filters' importance. In this paper, we theoretically validate these two findings with our assumption that the well-trained convolutional filters in each layer approximately follow a Gaussian-alike distribution. This assumption is verified through systematic and extensive statistical tests.
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