A General Identification Algorithm For Data Fusion Problems Under Systematic Selection

Published: 26 Apr 2024, Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024UAI 2024 oralEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: causal inference, identification, data fusion, selection
Abstract: Causal inference is made challenging by confounding, selection bias, and other complications. A common approach to addressing these difficulties is the inclusion of auxiliary data on the superpopulation of interest. Such data may measure a different set of variables, or be obtained under different experimental conditions than the primary dataset. Analysis based on multiple datasets must carefully account for similarities between datasets, while appropriately accounting for differences. In addition, selection of experimental units into different datasets may be systematic; similar difficulties are encountered in missing data problems. Existing methods for combining datasets either do not consider this issue, or assume simple selection mechanisms. In this paper, we provide a general approach, based on graphical causal models, for causal inference from data on the same superpopulation that is obtained under different experimental conditions. Our framework allows both arbitrary unobserved confounding, and arbitrary selection processes into different experimental regimes in our data. We describe how systematic selection processes may be organized into a hierarchy similar to censoring processes in missing data: selected completely at random (SCAR), selected at random (SAR), and selected not at random (SNAR). In addition, we provide a general identification algorithm for interventional distributions in this setting.
List Of Authors: Lee, Jaron Jia Rong and Ghassami, AmirEmad and Shpitser, Ilya
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Signed License Agreement: pdf
Submission Number: 575