Teaching the Foundations of Machine Learning with CandyDownload PDF


Published: 31 Jul 2020, Last Modified: 05 May 2023ECML PKDD 2020 TeachMLReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Machine learning is ubiquitous in decision-making processes across society. The presence and development of ML drives a need for improved education in key concepts at the secondary and tertiary levels that not only trains people to become informed citizens but also trains future researchers to be both principled and ethical practitioners. In this vein, we present a structured classroom activity that simultaneously teaches both supervised classification and critically thinking about ML applications and ethics. We use an active, object-based learning approach to teach supervised classification using a variety of candies, and a problem-based scenario to encourage critical questions about ethics in ML applications
Keywords: Machine Learning, Education, Undergraduate, Secondary Education, Active-Learning
TL;DR: We present an active-learning strategy to teach foundational machine learning skills using candy.
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