Differentially Private Graph Diffusion with Applications in Personalized PageRanks

Published: 25 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 18 Jan 2025NeurIPS 2024 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: differential privacy, graph diffusion, personalize pagerank
Abstract: Graph diffusion, which iteratively propagates real-valued substances among the graph, is used in numerous graph/network-involved applications. However, releasing diffusion vectors may reveal sensitive linking information in the data such as transaction information in financial network data. However, protecting the privacy of graph data is challenging due to its interconnected nature. This work proposes a novel graph diffusion framework with edge-level different privacy guarantees by using noisy diffusion iterates. The algorithm injects Laplace noise per diffusion iteration and adopts a degree-based thresholding function to mitigate the high sensitivity induced by low-degree nodes. Our privacy loss analysis is based on Privacy Amplification by Iteration (PABI), which to our best knowledge, is the first effort that analyzes PABI with Laplace noise and provides relevant applications. We also introduce a novel $\infty$-Wasserstein distance tracking method, which tightens the analysis of privacy leakage and makes PABI more applicable in practice. We evaluate this framework by applying it to Personalized Pagerank computation for ranking tasks. Experiments on real-world network data demonstrate the superiority of our method under stringent privacy conditions.
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Primary Area: Other (please use sparingly, only use the keyword field for more details)
Submission Number: 12489